Bob is currently an Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry at UCL in London, where his current research focuses on developing new organic semiconductors for applications in energy generation and wearable electronics. Prior to joining the Department of Chemistry at UCL in 2018, Bob was an academic fellow at the Materials Research Institute and the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences at Queen Mary University of London.
After completion of his Ph.D. studies (2013), Bob conducted a short 6 months EPSRC sponsored postdoctoral stay at Imperial College London to develop new tellurium containing polymers for applications in organic spin transport electronics, a rapidly emerging new research field, and he explored the commercialisation feasibility of this technology. He then moved to the Department of Chemical Engineering at Stanford University (2014) as a Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA) in the group of Prof. Zhenan Bao. His work at Stanford University focused on the development of self-healing conjugated polymers for stretchable skin-like electronics. Additional research interests are aimed at the synthesis of high-performing semiconducting polymers suitable for large area device fabrication via slot-die coating, respectively inkjet printing.