"Water Oxidation with Prussian Blue Analogues"

Ferdi Karadaş

Ferdi KARADAŞ, obtained his undergraduate degree from the Department of Chemistry at Middle East Technical University in 2002 and his MSc degree in 2003 from İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University. He then moved to Texas A&M University to complete his PhD studies in the field of molecular magnetism. He worked as a post-doctoral fellow in 2010-2012 and a visiting assistant professor in 2012-2013 at Qatar University. He has been working at Bilkent University since 2013 as an assistant professor. He was awarded the TUBITAK Young Incentive Award in 2020, Mustafa Parlar Young Investigator Award in 2020, Science Academy award in 2018, and TÜBA GEBİP award in 2017. His main research interest is building inorganic compounds for water splitting.